Create a short film with award wining director Michael Stich!

For all actors, directors and film makers, writers and editors!
This workshop will be led by award wining director Michael Stich, director of of Bold and The Beautiful.
This is a paid workshop for 8-12 students, there will be auditions for 5 actors those who don't want to act will all be filmmakers, writers, or directors in this one of a kind hands on workshop.
Learn the entire process, from start to finish, of directing a Short Story/Film
The workshop will be 4 days total and meet simi-weekly on:
March 5th, 12th, 19th, and April 2nd.
If you want to be one of our 5 actors, submit an audition. Details at the bottom!
$695 for Actors, $395 for filmmakers, writers and directors.
We will go through the entire process from preproduction, to post production.
• Finding a script
• Deciding how it will be shot and on what budget.
• Finding locations
• Deciding how large will the crew need to be
• How many shooting days and breaking down the script for most efficient shooting order.
• Filming a scene and getting enough coverage to give options in the edit.
• Knowing when you have enough takes to make a scene work.
• Working in post production to edit and sweeten scenes.
Day 1:
(2 hours)
We will be discussing the short story. Breaking down what are the important moments we must capture when shooting it.
Talk about the process of prepping and blocking the script.
Handing out copies and discussing the script which will be shot.
Doing a table read of the scene to be shot.
Day 2:
Giving the blocked script and discussing how it was done. Block the scene on stage with actors.
Rehearse the scene for the shoot, fine tuning character and acting details.
We will discuss the shooting schedule and the reason for the shooting thing out of order. Final touches such as wardrobe and makeup needed for the scene.
Day 3:
(8 to 10 hours)
This will be the shoot day!
5 actors would arrive in wardrobe. We will spend entire day filming on the stage in the studio. Everything will be discussed about how each shot is set up. How lighting and camera placement are done. We will discuss how we check off all of the coverage we need to know we have the scene.
Day 4:
(2 hours)
This will be 2 weeks later to allow time for me to edit the film!
We will view and discuss the editing process and why certain takes were used and how other post productions techniques such as music were added. We will end the day with viewing some classic film clips and talking about how they were directed and how a director can make choices that can change the way a scene comes across to the viewer.
Acting Auditions!
If you would like to act in the short film during this cals, please follow the instructions in the document linked below to submit a self tape for consideration.
Don't hesitate to give it a go!