Our Promise...
"We promise that you will have an extraordinary and inspiring experience in our classes and walk away with new-found confidence and possibilities for your life and for your soul through the practice of this art form and get a chance to practice your humanity in a world that doesn't always allow it."
-Charles Tentindo- 0wner and Founder
On finding the highest rated acting studio in Long Beach, CA. led by top acting coaches.
Our cutting edge classes and one-on-one coaching sessions to reach your greatness faster and more efficiently using our proven out-of-the box techniques. We are expert coaches that will help you nail your audition and drastically improve your acting and public speaking skills as well as preparing for a Ted Talk or any presentation. We also offer stunning demo reels, headshots and more.
Your goal is to become a great actor, Stand Up comic, Improviser or to experience the benefits of the acting for your life, or your business, you've found the right place. We are committed to helping you become the best Actor, Human Being, or Public Speaker you can be!
Click button below and sign in to be alerted for classes, events and free stuff coming up!
Email: MyActingStudio@gmail.com
Call or text: 562-400-1355
Located at: 4412 East Village Rd.
Long Beach, CA 90808
Areas We Serve:
Long Beach, Hollywood, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County,
San Diego County and Orange County.
Study Improv, Stand Up Comedy, Acting For Camera, Meisner Technique,
Demo Reels and Headshots, Private Coaching, Groundlings, Flappers Training and more
The sooner you have a good one and a great headshot, the sooner you will be considered for better projects, representation, films, tv shows,commercials, and much more! Our new soundstage is now available! We now have:a office, bar, restaurant, interrogation ro om and building more sets as well as shooting on location for an additional charge.
3 piece
3 monologues, which we will seamlessly piece together into a 2-3min reel. The reels are designed to showcase a wide range of your skill in a short burst.
Step 1
You prepare 3 contrasting monologues, each 2 mins max.
Step 2
You arrive at My Acting Studio and relax in our Green Room.
We will then guide you through the shooting process on the day.
Step 3
You receive you fully edited reel within 7-14 days.
(Includes 2 coaching sessions)
For more advanced work.
Our two person scenes are approximately one to two minutes in length, and showcases both actors equally. For high production values cinematic work.You can bring your scene partner or we can find someone for you. Both actor can split this cost.
Includes rehearsal and direction, production, editing and 2 revisions.
$1500 each scene
Our secret weapon and we are the only ones I know of that are providing this special cinematic presentation of your acing work.The 360 Orbit is a machine that moves around the actor just like in a high end movie. An incredible tool for the actor.
Includes rehearsal and direction, production, editing and 2 revisions.
Bring in your camera and we will coach, direct and be the reader for a self tape.
Have a director work with you in order to bring your best to any audition.
Includes coach going over your audition material prior to going on camera.
$150 per hr