Aurora Theater Basic Rental Agreement
My Acting Studio: 4412 east Village Rd. Long Beach, CA 90808
Date: ______________
Rental Rate:
$175 per hour with a 2 hour minimum
The agreement will be between The Aurora Theater and the Renter for the agreed times listed.
All rentals are due up front in order to reserve any rental. This payment will secure the theater for said dates and times. There are absolutely no refunds or returns. Any additional time spent in the theater will be prorated by the hour.
Date(s) of Rental:
Time(s) of Arrival:
Time(s) of Departure:
Tech Rate:
$50 Per Hour
If a tech is needed for lighting or sound or projector operation.
Cleaning Fee:
This can be waved if you leave the theater as it was left for your event. The theater has a vacuum cleaner that can be used. If you want us to clean at the end, the fee is $150.
Any injury or damage to theater will be entirely the responsibility of the Renter. The renter will not hold The Aurora Theater or Charles Tentindo liable in the event of accident or death during the time of the rental.
Owner Contact Info
Renter Contact Info
By Signing, you agree to the terms and rates above