Headshots (1 Look)
Service Description
Work with a director and acting coach for the best shots you cold ever have. I will make you comfortable and coach you on "specifics" designed to get the attention from your market whether a casting director, agent, or potential customer. Most headshot photographers don't have that skill. Wear solids No advertising on shirts Be happy with your hair, skin and makeup Bring hair styling products depending on the look you want, and makeup for touchups Make sure your eyes are clear and bring drops if needed Photo touchups are available separately This session is for 1 look (outfit) see our other options if you need more than one look. Non-refundable, no refunds for missed appointments! If you have any questions about scheduling or how prepare for your film or photo shoot contact us directly. Call or text 562-400-1355 or email myactingstudio@gmail.com Do to our busy schedule we may have to reschedule booked appointments. If this situation arises we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and will set a new date that works for both of us.

All sales are final, no refunds or exchanges.
There are no refunds, credits or exchanges for missed classes or appointments.
Contact Details
4412 E Village Rd, Long Beach, CA 90808, USA