Our Promise...
"We promise that you will have an extraordinary and inspiring experience in our classes and walk away with new-found confidence and possibilities for your life and for your soul through the practice of this art form and get a chance to practice your humanity in a world that doesn't always allow it."
-Charles Tentindo- 0wner and Founder
On finding the highest rated acting studio in Long Beach, CA. led by top acting coaches.
Our cutting edge classes and one-on-one coaching sessions to reach your greatness faster and more efficiently using our proven out-of-the box techniques. We are expert coaches that will help you nail your audition and drastically improve your acting and public speaking skills as well as preparing for a Ted Talk or any presentation. We also offer stunning demo reels, headshots and more.
Your goal is to become a great actor, Stand Up comic, Improviser or to experience the benefits of the acting for your life, or your business, you've found the right place. We are committed to helping you become the best Actor, Human Being, or Public Speaker you can be!
Click button below and sign in to be alerted for classes, events and free stuff coming up!
Email: MyActingStudio@gmail.com
Call or text: 562-400-1355
Located at: 4412 East Village Rd.
Long Beach, CA 90808
Areas We Serve:
Long Beach, Hollywood, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County,
San Diego County and Orange County.
Study Improv, Stand Up Comedy, Acting For Camera, Meisner Technique,
Demo Reels and Headshots, Private Coaching, Groundlings, Flappers Training and more
Teacher Agreement
Responsibility / Attitude
All students will be treated with respect, kindness and patience while engaged in classes at My Acting Studio. The reputation of the studio is of utmost importance. We have a stellar one and intend to maintain that reputation. We go above and beyond to make sure ALL students receive valuable training with an empathetic yet challenging approach. If a students seems to lag behind or is not “getting it” I ask that you set aside a little time either before or after class to give that student some attention. An encouraging and positive attitude is important to create in every class.
The instructor agrees to attend all classes on time arriving at least 15 minutes prior to a class to open doors to prepare and receive students, turn on lights, etc. Teachers are expected to leave the space as it was presented to them. Please remind students not to leave anything behind at the end of class.
Instructor Payment
Payment structure is a 60/40 split. with 40% percent going to the instructor. The studio is responsible but not limited to the space rental, utilities, marketing, website and other promotional costs that go into running and promoting classes. The instructor will receive payment at the completion of said classes. The instructor will receive payment via PayPal, Venmo or other form of payment at the studio’s discretion.
In the event that instructor stops teaching at My Acting Studio it is agreed that they will not solicit students to leave My Acting Studio in order to study with them elsewhere. My Acting Studio understands that the Instructor may potentially be teaching at other locations in addition to My Acting Studio.
Class Size
The minimum class size will be 5 students. The maximum class size is 15 students. Should less than 5 students sign up for class, we will work with existing students and new student outreach to fill class before beginning the class. Any class with 5 people or less will be taught for 2.5 hours instead of 3.0 hours for class sizes of 7 and above.
As a team effort I ask that the instructor helps promote the class on their social media and personal word of mouth whenever possible, so please make sure you are active on Facebook and / or Instagram, Tik Tok or email list.
House Rules
It is VERY important that you lock front door and rear door after each class begins and when it ends. (Always double check the doors) so as not to allow strangers to come in during a class. All lights and air conditioning need to be turned off as well. There’s no available drinking water at the studio so please advise students to bring their own water.
End of working relationship
In the event that teacher stops teaching at the studio I ask that instructor give a minimal notice of 30 days or more and that instructor agrees to complete any class that they are currently teaching in order to serve the enrolled student. The non-compete is also part of this agreement.
Communication / Student Issue
Please copy me on any correspondence with a student in order to keep me in the loop at all times. Email or text. Always let me know if you are having an issue with a class or a student. I will step in when needed. Always be in communication with Charles or the studio manager.
Instructor may park directly behind the studio at the back entrance. Students should be directed to park on street. There is no metered parking after 6pm.
Teacher Agreement
By signing you have agreed to have read and understood the terms above and will abide by them.
Sign: ________________________
Date: ______________
Sign: ________________________
Date: ______________